Monday, 9 January 2017


GROWING A VISION - We are Gardeners of our Soul Purpose

Visioning is a progressive deepening of imagination, using our subtle, intuitive sense of our life's purpose and developing it into actual reality.  We follow the cycle of growth demonstrated by Mother Nature. Here is a diagram following the growth of the seed (your heart inspiration) into a vision, then a plan, then an action with creative reverie, and finally another seed.  Each season brings a new development in nature, so we provide new climate of focus, emotional nurture and protection, clarification and testing for our Seed Vision:


We start by grasping a heart-felt desire for change, for perhaps harmony and beauty in the world, for a world of fairness, compassion and enriching friendships.  We then look at how to incubate this imaginative, optimistic fantasy, because all life is a dream.  All dreams can become our reality if we give them the power of our attention and desire for good, true outcomes.

'If you can dream it you can do it.'  Walk Disney

Each workshop has clear guidelines of developing the tools for learning to 'love, understand and serve' through expressive arts activities.

The first workshop has been to journal our inner heart-felt vision and make a collage, journal to understand the images and direction of vision unfoldment in our lives. The workshops include mandala, meditation, vision collage, Creative Journal Expressive Arts and other playful activities.

BUILDING A VISION GUARDIAN  The second workshop is to build our 'promise' to that living vision in our hearts, to nurture and protect it - involves transforming the Inner Critic into a Vision Guardian image/animal totem or whatever we feel will help remind us; it is a special process that can involve maskwork, sandplay for family healing, and other activities. The important thing is that the 'critic voice' is essential as a tester for this next stage of creation or emotional focus of commitment.

BUILDING A DREAM TEAM  The third workshop (date of 28th Jan) is understanding how to communicate our vision in a 'dream team' or circle of friends, and this involves special skills of listening, mirroring with humour and love from our own self reflections, and understanding the role of the 'philosopher fool'. To do this, we need our personal Inner Visionary Child and its Guardian well grounded. This last stage of preparing a vision may last over two days of improvisation and creative journal, story skills, drum and movement: depends on how many people have already done the first two, so that we have enough participants to afford a venue for space.

THE INNER PHILOSOPHER FOOL In order to understand our role in bringing vision to our world, we look at communication skills that mirror and express our vision and wisdom. We build a persona which is a version of the Philosopher Fool (fool at heart) - fool for love, the sacred tradition of the transformed personal emotions into tools for the service of love.  Activities involve improvisation of personal responses to create humour and release.  Storytelling skills including including creative listening, are necessary for building a dream team of trusted non-judgemental friends who support your Visioning and forgiving love.

Our Inner 'Philosopher Fool' is that storyteller who is the observer of our own personality, and creates a mirror of truth of love through reflecting all it sees, inner and outer. We need to keep a private journal to encode our self reflection skills. We also need to know how to create a sacred space for spiritual insights to grow and be mirrored lovingly. The Wheel of Life model, and creative psychological terms referring to the progressive unfoldment of our human potential, and which are understandable and artistic/creative,terms, it looks possible to develop an expressive arts programme with the ‘subtle energy’ interpretations.