Saturday, 7 December 2013



The most sacred space is that of your inner self, the Creative Self, watching and mediating all experiences, and it is possible to allow its dreams and visions of a life you would love to live.     Following Lucia Capacchione's Ten Steps to Living the Life of your Dreams, CLIA Coaching offers workshops where we make pictures of our heartfelt wishes for the future around a central mandala with candles.  This way a sacred space is created in which we project our dream images and offer our goals to the good of the whole.  Here are some pictures of small groups making photo montage vision collages, bringing into focus their individual Creative Self, and celebrating a Rebirth of their hope and commitments for their personal future.

SEE MY VIDEO introducing Visioning(R):

This is an ancient design around which early cultures created systems of spiritual teaching such as the zodiac, the Alchemical Wheel and the Celtic Wheel of Life around which the seasons were symbolised and the growth of the seed plant depicted as a guide for inner creative initiation.


Making collages for visioning can follow the creative stages of materialisation of your dream as the ancient wisdom tradition taught:
North/conception and rebirth; NE/ nurture and dedication;  East/challenge and promise; SE/support and consolidation; South/planning and protection; SW/pruning and fine tuning; West/decision, action; NW/surrender and dissolving the old plan ready to plant a new seed vision.

Here is an image of the collages I did last summer.  Notice that each direction has a large collage representing the solstices and equinox visioning, in between the small images represent the moon festivals of reflection and transition.  See the candle at the centre representing my Inner Sage.

Spiritual expressive arts follow the seasons, working with the Inner Parent (facets are Nurturing, Protection and Challenge) and the Inner Child (facets are Magical Child, Loving Child, Assertive Child).

The Inner Sage is created by taking conscious creative responsibility for these personae.  One of the most playful and effective ways of creating the Sage is through the Visioning(R) process and creating the Sacred Mandala/Wheel of Life with candles and symbols of the seasons, elements (earth, air, fire and water) and nature.

Find me on Facebook, or email: for more information about making soul collages, sacred site art or Visioning(R).

We create poetry and mandala in Dartmoor's sacred centre: Wistmans Wood. Here is a sacred site collage with stone balancing sculptures from Michael Loxton:

Sacred Site collage of the Isle of Man - green lanes of Man were ritual processional routes across the whole island, linking and energising the communities, burial mounds, hermit cells and stone circles. [sculpture by a local artist represents the spirit of Man, Manannan, benevolently watching over the creative evolution of life on the island].

Learn more about Sacred Journeys at the Gatekeeper Trust website: go to the events page.

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